Sunday, November 25, 2012

Self Portrait...again

EDM #62  Draw a previous challenge in a different medium than you usually use.

While it's true that I've used pencil many times, I haven't been using it much recently, so I think this totally counts as a different medium.  I've also been wanting to try another self portrait, so I put the two together and here is the result.  It's definitely my best attempt at capturing myself thus far, and I rather like it as a drawing on its own, too.  This is from a photo of myself on a boat on the way to or from Monhegan, a wonderful island off the coast of Maine.  If I could, I would move there and draw/paint all day, every day.  Jamie Wyeth does it, and look how good he is!  But really, if you're looking for a beautiful (in a rugged, Maine sort of way) island, hop on a boat and hike Monhegan for a few hours.  You won't be sorry.

As I mentioned, this is pencil on paper.  I don't really know my way around pencils.  I know there's a range from soft to hard, and I know how it feels to draw with them, but I don't know how to use a variety of pencils to my advantage--the soft lead for shading and the hard lead for details, or something like that.  I just grab a soft-ish pencil from my kit and start in.  I'll have to experiment and try to do more with them.

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