Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ginger Ale

EDM Challenge #69  Draw a beverage.  Here's another one of these recipe drawings. This ginger ale is so good. It tastes exactly the way ginger ale ought to, I think. Ginger ale is the only soda I really like, and being able to make it at home on a hot day is just fantastic.  The ingredients are ones that we tend to have on hand (and we keep a mason jar of the syrup in the fridge during the summer), so that makes it even more convenient. You could use less or more of the ginger syrup when you make the drink. Sometimes I'm in a sweet mood, but other times.... And do not leave out the lemon juice! Without it, it's just ginger syrup and sparkling water; but with lemon, it's ginger ale!

I really enjoy drawing recipes! When my husband and I got married, our wedding favor to everyone was a cookbook of our favorite recipes. I drew the cover from a photo of the two of us cooking. We've been wanting to do a "Wedding Cookbook, part II" for years. Maybe I can make an illustrated book to send out to our friends and families.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bright, Shiny Off Button

EDM Challenge #68  Draw your computer.  When my son was very young, he often played around me while I worked with my computer on the sofa. Eventually he would make his way over, see that luminous off button calling to him, and reach out and push it. Supposedly hand-eye coordination and small motor skills aren't up to snuff yet when children are that young, but that didn't stop my little one from pushing that off button before I could get to him. He's much better now. I think he's realized that the payoff isn't awesome enough to keep making me crazy. That's what I hope, anyway.

This is just a 5B pencil and a tiny bit of blue pencil to make the "off" symbol more luminous and alluring!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


EDM Challenge #67  Draw something "Mom".  This is an illustrated recipe (I love illustrated recipes!) for Goldenrod, the delicious breakfast my grandmother made up for my mom when she was little.  My mom made up a different breakfast for me, which is called "Egg Brekky with Yogi and Bread" (that's what you get when you let the kid name the dish).  Egg Brekky is a soft-boiled egg (still warm), a piece of bread torn into small chunks, and a dollop of yoghurt (cold).  Then you mix it all together in a bowl and you get mush that has hot bits and cold bits and it's kind of bready and yoghurty and I absolutely love it.  I admit that Goldenrod is more classically delicious -- it's a white sauce, after all -- but Egg Brekky is dearer to my heart.  Goldenrod is a very "mom" thing to me, though, because it involves both my mom and my grandmother.  My son hasn't tried Egg Brekky or Goldenrod.  He tends to have unsweetened applesauce mixed with yoghurt (which is delicious, by the way).  I think I'd better come up with a comfort-food breakfast for him, though, to continue the tradition.

As I said above, I love illustrated recipes!  I've been wanting to do these for ages and I finally started a couple of days ago.  I've done two now, both with pen and watercolor, and I'm having a ball!  Be prepared for more to come!

A word about scanning.  I actually took this to a scanner and emailed it to myself from that, and it wasn't terribly good!  This recipe fared better than the other one, but they were both missing colors and details, despite my selecting proper settings for a drawing (I think).  I'm not really sure what to do about that.  For now, here's another dark, blurry photo.