Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No 'Plug Ugly' Here

EDM Challenge #66  Draw a fire hydrant.

I learned about "Plug Uglies" when I watched "Gangs of New York" several years ago.  As the sum of human knowledge is available on Wikipedia, I invite you to look there to learn more.  One thing that I didn't actually find in the Wikipedia article, which makes me doubt my memory, is that these Plug Uglies were employed by a particular fire company, and would go and sit on a fire plug in front of a raging fire to make sure a competing fire company didn't get there first and get the money.  I'm not going to get into the socialism debate because I'd rather politics not be a part of this blog, but I'm just glad the fire department operates differently now.

This is drawn from a photo I took this fall when our family was in line outside Hot Doug's (are you in Chicago?  Go there.  Yes, you'll stand in line.  It's worth it.).  There's a fire plug right in front, and it's one of the things my son was amused by while we waited to get inside (that's my mother-in-law steadying him...she wasn't in the drawing originally, but I added her in so you could see why his arm was pulled back).  Isn't his raincoat cute?  It's got alligators on it!

I'm in love with the 8B pencil.  It feels so good to draw with, and I love making the shadows.  I do not know how to effectively erase, though.  I'm using a Prismacolor plastic eraser, which came with my pencil kit, and I can't remove even the lightest lines and smudges.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Nose Knows

EDM Challenge #65  Draw your nose, or a friend's, or a pet's.  Our toaster oven finally toasted its last a couple of days ago.  Since we also have no working oven at the moment, it's necessary that we get  a new toaster oven as soon as possible.  I took the opportunity while Shawn was researching toaster ovens online to draw his nose, and then I was having so much fun I just kept going!  I also occasionally weighed in on toaster ovens.  Truly, Shawn does not usually look this wild and intense -- I think I must have caught him while reading a particularly vitriolic review of  a poor oven.  I do find myself liking the slightly Rohan-ish look of him in this drawing.

I used a new charcoal pencil -- soft Pitt Charcoal by Faber-Castell.  It broke the first four times I tried to sharpen it and now it's a much shorter pencil than earlier this evening!  I hope it's okay now, because I enjoyed using it and I don't want it to disappear after a couple of sharpening sessions.

That's hard to read, isn't it?  Here's what it says along the side: "How could I stop after drawing the nose?  I just had to keep going.  This is Shawn, who let me draw him while he researched toaster ovens online.  Ours just gave up the ghost.  Our oven is on the fritz, too.  If the stovetop goes, we'll break down and order out!"  Up top it says: "(Doesn't he look a little like a king of Rohan here?  Pretty intense.)"

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Kitchen Sink

EDM Challenge #64  Draw your sink.  The sink itself isn't much to talk about.  It's a nice stainless steel sink that has been working fairly well for us.  However, it replaced another perfectly good sink and also took away much needed counter and cabinet space.  And this unnecessary kitchen renovation happened with about 10 hours of warning for us, at about 10:00 the night before.  And now, four months later, it's still not done.  And I will never get that cabinet space back and now I keep dishes in a cardboard box in the other room.  Do I sound bitter?  I shouldn't, I know.  We have running water and all sorts of luxuries.  I just need to remind myself of that whenever I start cursing the space.

This was done with watercolor and pen and ink.  I used a proper pen, with a nib and a bottle of ink.  It was fun!  Dip, draw, dip, draw.  I could see the rhythm of a calligrapher being quite calming.  Is it time to learn calligraphy?  I did find that my handwriting became much fancier with that pen in my hand.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snowball in the new year

EDM Challenge #63  Go on a nature walk. Pick up items. Draw what you find.

Everything is snowy (finally! hooray!), and it gets dark early these days, so my nature walk result was a snowball on a white field at night.  My son threw his first snowball, too, which was fun for all!

Charcoal today.  It felt right for snow because of the texture that's automatically there on the paper.

Happy New Year!  Here's to more blogging, more drawing, and some wonderful things in the year to come.