Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Kitchen Sink

EDM Challenge #64  Draw your sink.  The sink itself isn't much to talk about.  It's a nice stainless steel sink that has been working fairly well for us.  However, it replaced another perfectly good sink and also took away much needed counter and cabinet space.  And this unnecessary kitchen renovation happened with about 10 hours of warning for us, at about 10:00 the night before.  And now, four months later, it's still not done.  And I will never get that cabinet space back and now I keep dishes in a cardboard box in the other room.  Do I sound bitter?  I shouldn't, I know.  We have running water and all sorts of luxuries.  I just need to remind myself of that whenever I start cursing the space.

This was done with watercolor and pen and ink.  I used a proper pen, with a nib and a bottle of ink.  It was fun!  Dip, draw, dip, draw.  I could see the rhythm of a calligrapher being quite calming.  Is it time to learn calligraphy?  I did find that my handwriting became much fancier with that pen in my hand.

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