Friday, September 28, 2012

Tootsie Roll and Rover

EDM Challenge #52  Draw a dog.  I don't have a dog, but my mom and step-dad have a lovely one named Tootsie Roll.  We had a chocolate lab named Tootsie Roll many years ago, and when they got this Chesapeake Bay retriever/lab mix from a rescue shelter, it was impossible to call her anything else.  So now this Tootsie Roll is the second of her name.  Rover the cat is so called because my step-dad tends to call every cat Rover, so they decided to make it official.  Rover has been kneading Tootsie Roll ever since he was a kitten.  Now he's an enormous cat (not fat, just big) and kind-hearted Tootsie Roll keeps putting up with his pummeling.

I used gouache today, and am happy with some things and unhappy with other things.  I like Rover and the tail end of Tootsie, but I had a tough time with her front end and face.  Still, I'm happy with it overall.  The blue sofa was an afterthought -- I realized that drawing the sofa protector wasn't enough because it looked like they were just floating in mid-air.  I didn't want to do too much, so the sofa is barely there, but at least it gives some context.  Also, their sofa is not blue.


  1. I love the patient expression you have captured on Tootsie's face. He is thinking, 'Do I have to put up with Rover EveRy Day???'

    1. Thank you! It's true, this happens every single day, and Tootsie is so good and patient.
