Friday, September 14, 2012


EDM Challenge #50  Draw your home's entryway and journal your thoughts and feelings about "homecoming".  Here's what I wrote on the drawing:  "After walking in the front door, through another door, and up a flight of stairs, this is the first you see of our apartment's front door.  I had never noticed the orange walls before.  Looking now, I can't believe I missed them!

"Friends of ours had a baby today - a little baby boy - and I remember the first time we brought Simon home.  We had left our apartment a couple of days before, and we came home completely new people, with a completely new person.  That is an amazing homecoming.  I'm very excited for our friends as they start their new life at home with their new little person."

I used oil pastels for this.  Not for any particular reason.  It just seemed like it would be fun and I wanted to celebrate 50 days-50 drawings by doing something a little different!  I'm going to relax a little bit now that I've reached 50.  I'll still try to draw something each day, but I might not worry too much about doing one of these challenges before midnight (I still have 40 minutes!).


  1. 09-25-2012 thought of you and dropped by to see if you posted anything new. Hope you're still drawing and look forward to hearing from you again. I've enjoyed what you've been able to fit into a nap time.

    1. Hi, Mary -- thank you so much for thinking of me! That's really kind of you! I've been dying to draw but haven't had any time...until today. I'm about to write a post, in fact. I really appreciate your thoughts!
