Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mouth Planter

EDM Challenge #53  Draw a mouth.  I went for a walk while I was thinking about which mouth to draw for this challenge.  I passed a dentist's office that had a mouth on the sign, but I didn't really feel like drawing that mouth (and all those teeth!).  I thought about whether to draw my own mouth, or my son's mouth, or one of the cat's mouths.  Then I walked into a garden center that I've been meaning to go to for ages and saw this planter.  Well, it was too perfect to pass up -- it had to be the mouth for this challenge.  It's a rather large planter, and very striking, but I'm not sure I'd want it in my garden.  It would be like a huge, bizarre Chia Pet.

I used charcoal -- it seemed appropriate for a concrete subject.  Plus, I really love drawing with charcoal!


  1. Did you do it on location or snapped a pic and drew after? It's a strange planter someone somewhere would love it.

    1. Hi Mary! I wish I could have drawn it there, but I hadn't brought anything with me, so I took a photo. I think the planter could work in one of those gardens where there are lots of fake (or real, I guess) ruins strewn artfully about. This could look like part of a fallen statue. An ancient Greek Chia Pet!
