Monday, August 6, 2012

Dinner on the grill

EDM Challenge #12  Draw what you ate for dinner.  Too hot to cook indoors, so we had kebabs and corn on the grill.  Yum!

I had a lot of fun making the textures of the food, particularly the fruit (including the tomatoes).  The corn, however, was really tricky for me.  I didn't know how to make it look like a pile of stuff, and I didn't want to painstakingly draw every individual kernel.  Again, the shadows were a problem for me, as well as the circular plate.  Finally, I didn't know what to do with the onions (you probably didn't even see that there were onions).  I couldn't figure out a color and I couldn't get the texture right, so they wound up just being yellowish bits in between other pieces of more recognizable food.  I think I need to make a list of things to practice drawing.


  1. Hello! Found your post on the EDM! How cool that you are trying to do all the challenges!!! Exciting! I like your "simple" style with colours :) what medium do you use? The orange is superb!!!

    1. Thank you! I've been having such a good time doing the challenges, and twelve days in I can already feel a change in the way I approach a drawing and the way I look at the world. It's so cool! I've actually been doing these drawings on Wacom Bamboo graphics tablet because I've been away from home. I love working with the Wacom because it's so easy to save and post and I don't have to worry about scanning or photographing, but it does feel a teensy bit like cheating. I don't really want it to become my medium of choice, so as soon as I get back home, I'm looking forward to breaking out the art supplies again. I like working with charcoal, graphite, and oil pastels, but I'm going to try to get into watercolor pencils that I got recently. Thank you so much for your comment! I love the linoleum prints you just posted--please post more as you do them!
