Tuesday, August 21, 2012


EDM Challenge #27  Draw a book.  Every time I look at this book, Momo, I think of my friend Naomi, who (with her husband) gave these out as wedding favors at their wedding.  She is a children's librarian and in an early conversation, he brought up a children's book she'd never heard of.  She was impressed, time passed, and now they're married!  It's a great book, by the author of The Neverending Story (it's very different from that book, though).

I started this with watercolor pencils, but the colors were so soft and the book cover is so vibrant, that I got out the trusty gouache set and went over it all with those colors.  I'm glad I did; the result is much better than it was.


  1. I love your work here.It has a fun and storyy to tell. You r work is very good and enjoyable to view. I like the forms and colours. Keep producing more please

    1. Thank you! I've been having a lot of fun doing this, and I'm glad you like it!
